BHMS, MD Hair & Skin Specialist
Dr. Manish Madhukar Ratnakar is an experienced and renowned hair & skin specialist practicing in Revitalize Clinic for the past 5 years. He has great expertise in skin treatments like chemical peels, IPL laser, face PRP, RF treatment, photo facial, face mesotherapy, microdermabrasion, hair mesotherapy, growth injections, hair PRP, etc. He has also proved his excellence as a medical officer.
Dr. Ratnakar completed his BHMS from Kakasaheb Mhaske Homeopathic Medical College, Ahmednagar, in 2008. In 2011 he got his MD in Homeopathy from M.L. Dhawale Medical Homeopathic Institute, Palghar. He also completed his certification course in cosmetology from the Institute of Cosmetology and laser science, Mumbai, in 2018.
- B.H.M.S (December 2003 to May 2008)
Kakasaheb Mhaske Homeopathic Medical College, Ahemadnagar
- MD in Homeopathy (November 2008 to May 2011)
M.L.Dhawale Medical Homeopathic Institute, Palghar
- Certification in cosmetology (2018)
Institute of cosmetology and laser science, Borivali, Mumbai

- Revitalize Clinic(July 2018 - Jan 2021)
- Dr. Batras Positive Health clinic (January 2012 -
January 2018)
Consultant Homeopath
- Mahavir Maternity & Child Care Center(July 2011 -
January 2012)
Medical Officer
- Civil Hospital Thane (May 2007 - January 2008)
As an intern