Hair thinning
Thinning hair usually occurs slowly, which means you have time to identify the causes and find the best treatment options.
Thinning can be caused by lifestyle habits, heredity or both. Hair loss in men can occur at any time in any man's life and diet, lifestyle and heredity play a major role in determining whether or not hair loss occurs.
Lifestyle habits include:
Excessive treatment on your hair.
These include colour treatments, perms and moisturizers.
Wear tight hairstyles.
Whether you are ready to wear it or pull your hair into a ponytail, they can pull your hair out, fall out of the follicles, and eventually thin out.
Hair loss may be due to an underlying medical condition or heredity. If you do the following, your hair may become thinner:
A baby was born recently
Go through hormonal changes
Lose weight significantly in a short period of time
Defects in the immune system
Have a skin disorder or infection
Scalp massage :
The cheapest way to get thick hair is to massage your scalp. It's not worth it, and if done properly it does no harm.
Multivitamins :
Healthy hair depends on your overall good health. In the case of poor nutrition or certain eating disorders, new hairs cannot form from the follicles. A blood test can help diagnose if you are malnourished.
If you have deficiencies in several important areas, your doctor may prescribe a multivitamin daily.
Although hair loss may be a concern at first, there are several types of hair loss. Dr. Manish Ratnakar says that if you are experiencing new hair loss or baldness, you should talk to your doctor.